
Miss Patina is a UK based vintage inspired brand that fuses retro style with today’s trends to create a unique look.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Important information
- Commission: 7%
- Cookie length: 30 days
- Banners: Bespoke banners available on request
- Contact: Eleanor Liu:

PPC Policy

Miss Patina welcome applications from PPC affiliates. However all affiliates must adhere to the new strict policy on PPC activity.

The following types of keywords are restricted for use in any paid search activity of affiliates on the campaign:

Brand:  Miss Patina
Extended brand: e.g., misspatina vouchers, Miss Patina Voucher codes, Miss Patina discount codes, Miss Patina codes etc.
Misspellings: e.g. Moss Patina, Miss Patna etc.

In order to avoid any broadmatching issues, affiliates must add Miss Patina as a negative keyword in all paid search activity.

Affiliates may not use in the display URL of their PPC campaign.

Affiliates also must not use Miss Patina in any paid search activity, whether this is in ad text, title or display URLs.

We do not allow direct linking on our programme.

Affiliates found to be bidding on restricted terms will have pending transactions cancelled and may face temporary suspension from the programme.

Domain restrictions
Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspells of our brand, any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined and retrieval of the domain.

Voucher Codes
Affiliates are only allowed to promote codes that are released via the affiliate channel. Any affiliate found to be taking codes from any other marketing channel will face having all commissions declined and a suspension from the wallis program.